Thursday, May 8, 2008

To be Dove is to be fake...

: Sherrie Perkovich

Read an article today I found in AAAA Smartbrief... title of it was "Dove's "Real Beauty" and in it, they state that the pics are said to be less than real." Dove has received all sorts of praise for their "real beauty" campaign. Turns out that Dove is less than perfect... along with the rest of us. The article speaks of the "models" in the ads being retouched. Its a sad reality that even our "real" models have to be airbrushed to non-perfect perfection.

Makes you wonder... what's real anymore? I know honesty seems like a rare thing in this world... especially the world of advertising. With steroid use running rampant, politics being fixed and now real beauty being airbrushed... just who do you trust?

The answer is to trust your gut instinct. Let's be honest here... advertising isn't brain surgery. If done well, we are communicating a product/service to a group of people who potentially want/need it. If you are included in the targeted group, you might respond. If you are not... then you won't and go about your day.

In this day and age when the average person is exposed to over 5,000 messages today... take them with a grain of salt and filter what you don't want.

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